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What Thanksgiving Food Can Dogs Eat?

Thanksgiving is all about food and family, so you might wonder which foods are safe for the furry members of the family.

Schnauzer eyeing cooked turkey on tray
Photo: Depositphotos

But there are many popular Thanksgiving foods that can cause gastric distress (or worse) in our pets.

Since it’s the holiday season, you might also be interested in this Charlotte gift guide for pets!

Make sure that everyone at your gathering knows to not give your pets table scraps without clearing it with you. In case of emergency, the Pet Poison Helpline number is 855-764-7661. And the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center can be reached at 888-426-4435.

And keep this list of Charlotte veterinarians on hand too. Some are emergency vets, who can see your animal at a moment’s notice, even on a holiday.

What Thanksgiving food can dogs eat?

Dogs can safely eat a lot of Thanksgiving food, but the key is to keep it plain. That means to avoid food with spices, bitter, onions and garlic.

If you want to really be a rock star, separate some of the potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peas out before you add any other ingredients, and cook them up special (i.e. plain) for your dog.

Read labels. Avoid anything with xylitol, which is toxic to dogs and cats. Do not give your dog turkey with bones or skin.

Anything made with yeast dough can cause painful gas and bloating in your pet.

Here is what is safe and not safe for dogs to eat on Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving food dogs can eat

  • Turkey meat (without skin or bones)
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Plain potatoes
  • Plain pumpkin (cooked)
  • Plain peas

Thanksgiving food dogs can not safely eat

  • Turkey bones and skin
  • Stuffing
  • Gravy
  • Mashed potatoes (because of what’s added to it)
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Anything chocolate
  • Anything with alcohol
  • Anything with raisins or grapes, which are poison to dogs
  • Onions
  • Scallions
  • Candy

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